Venue: Gallery Room, The Corn Exchange, Witney. View directions
Contact: Deputy Town Clerk
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To consider apologies and reasons for absence. Committee Members who are unable to attend the meeting should notify the Committee Clerk prior to the meeting, stating the reason for absence. Standing Order 30(a)(v) permits the appointment of substitute Councillors to a Committee whose role is to replace ordinary ... view the full agenda text for item H554 Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors D Butterfield and V Gwatkin.
Declarations of Interest Members are reminded to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests in any of the items under consideration at this meeting in accordance with the Town Council’s code of conduct. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest from members or officers.
a) To receive and consider the minutes of the Halls, Cemeteries and Allotments Minutes held on 26 September 2022;
b) Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda (Questions on the progress on any item).
Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the committee held on 26September 2022 were received.
Councillor R Smith confirmed that she was in attendance at the meeting.
1. That, the minutes be updated to show attendance of Councillor Smith and, 2. That, the minutes of the Halls, Cemeteries & Allotments ... view the full minutes text for item H556 |
Public Participation The meeting will adjourn for this item
Members of the public may speak for a maximum of five minutes each during the period of public participation, in line with Standing Order 42. Matters raised shall relate to the following items on the agenda. Minutes: The Committee adjourned for this item.
The committee heard from a representative of the Phoenix Project concerning Agenda Item 7.
The Committee reconvened
Public Halls Report To receive the report of the Venue & Events Officer and accompanying usage figures provided by the Bookings Administrator. Additional documents: Minutes: The committee received and considered the report of the Venue & Events Officer.
Members were encouraged to hear plans for an events programme and Eventbrite ticketing which would enhance the venue. They also discussed the Gallery Room flooring and were unanimously in favour of replacing the carpet. The specific carpet, along ... view the full minutes text for item H558 |
Public Halls - Review of Booking Terms & Conditions To receive the updated terms and conditions for public hall hire. Amendments include information on car parking, a deposit for larger commercial/public events and full payment of the latter 28 days beforehand. Minutes: The committee received a verbal report from the Deputy Town Clerk.
The revised booking form contained the updated conditions and information to improve the clarity of the Public Halls booking procedure and included changes on details on parking and payment terms. Also, a Hall Hire Feedback form was added so ... view the full minutes text for item H559 |
Corn Exchange - Arts Subsidised Hire Request To receive a request for subsidised hire at the Corn Exchange to hold a ‘Phoenix Rising’exhibition highlighting Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls as part of 16 Days of Activism, 25 November – 10 December. Minutes: The Committee received correspondence from the West Oxfordshire District Council Safer Communities Officer regarding an exhibition by the Phoenix Project.
Members considered the request for a subsidised hire of the Corn Exchange to host an exhibition to support the “16 days of Activism” between 25 November and 10 December. The ... view the full minutes text for item H560 |
Corn Exchange - Vigil Request 20th November To consider a request for a vigil outside the Corn Exchange to mark the Transgender Day of Remembrance on 20 November. The Corn Exchange will be lit during the evening to mark this occasion. Minutes: The committee received a verbal report from the Deputy Town Clerk regarding a request for a vigil to be held in the curtilage outside the Corn Exchange on 20 November to highlight the transgender day of remembrance.
Members were happy to agree to the proposal providing further information was provided ... view the full minutes text for item H561 |
Children's Memorial Garden To receive the report of the Project Officer. Additional documents:
Minutes: The committee received and considered the report of the Project Officer and a verbal update from the Deputy Town Clerk.
Members thanked the Project Officer for the clear explanation of the proposal and concept drawing. They had concerns regarding the procurement of inscribed pebbles and thought it best that the ... view the full minutes text for item H562 |
Finance Report: Revised Revenue Budget 2022/23 and Draft Base Revenue Budget for 2023/24 To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk/CEO and the Draft Revised Revenue Budget for 2022/23 and Draft Budget for 2023/24 Additional documents:
Minutes: The committee received the report of the Town Clerk/CEO.
It was advised these were draft estimates based on current knowledge and final figures would be provided to the Full Council at the end of the budget-setting period.
That, the report be noted.
Schedule of Proposed Fees and Charges 2023/24 During the Budget Setting Cycle the Council reviews its Fees and Charges for various facilities and services it operates.
Included is the schedule of charges in respect of the assets and services which fall under the responsibility of this Committee, and the Committee is requested to review and approve or ... view the full agenda text for item H564 Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received a verbal update from the Town Clerk/C.E.O.
Members discussed the proposed increase of 10% in line with inflation. They felt it was unfortunate that an increase of this magnitude was required however understood that a significant increase would need to be applied. However, there were too many ... view the full minutes text for item H564 |
Revenue Growth Items, Special Revenue Projects and Capital Projects To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk/CEO with an update on the current year’s work programme relating to Capital and Special Revenue Projects; as well as projects identified during the course of the year for inclusion as Revenue Growth Items or Special Revenue Projects in the Council’s ... view the full agenda text for item H565 Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received and considered the report and verbal update from the Town Clerk/CEO.
Members discussed the projects as proposed in the report and felt that refurbishment works at Burwell Hall toilets provision was potentially a priority but without knowing the urgency of the works it was difficult to judge ... view the full minutes text for item H565 |