Venue: Gallery Room, The Corn Exchange, Witney. View directions
Contact: Committee Clerk
No. | Item | ||||
Apologies for Absence To consider apologies and reasons for absence.
Committee members who are unable to attend the meeting should notify the Committee Clerk prior to the meeting, stating the reason for absence.
Standing Order 30(d)(v) permits the appointment of substitute Councillors to a Committee whose role is to replace ordinary ... view the full agenda text for item F60 Minutes: There were no apologies for absence.
Declarations of Interest Members are reminded to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests in any of the items under consideration at this meeting in accordance with the Town Council’s code of conduct. Minutes: Councillor O Collins declared a registrable non-pecuniary interest in respect of Agenda Item 10 as he was a non-paid Director and Interim Chair of West Oxfordshire Community Transport.
He further advised he was the chair of the Friend of Witney Community Support Service who had submitted a £50 for fifty ... view the full minutes text for item F61 |
a) To adopt and sign as a correct record the minutes of the Policy, Governance and Finance Committee meeting held on 25 November 2024.
b) Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda (Questions on the progress of any item).
Minutes: The minutes of the Policy, Governance & Finance Committee meeting held on 25 November 2024 were received.
That, the minutes of the Policy, Governance & Finance Committee meeting held on 25 November 2024 be approved as a correct record of the meetings and be signed by the Chair.
Public Participation The meeting will adjourn for this item.
Members of the public may speak for a maximum of five minutes each during the period of public participation, in line with Standing Order 42. Matters raised shall relate to the following items on the agenda. Minutes: The Committee adjourned for this item.
The Committee received representation from a representative of Lowland Resue Oxford concerning their respective grant application to be discussed under Agenda Item 14.
The Committee reconvened.
Grants & Subsidised Lettings Minutes: The Committee considered the grant application for Lowland Rescue Oxford at this juncture so their representative could hear the debate and outcome.
Members thanked the representative for the invaluable work provided by Lowland Rescue in Witney and agreed to the grant request. The award could not be provided until the ... view the full minutes text for item F64 |
During the following agenda item Cllr A Bailey left the meeting at 6:31pm returning at 6:34pm
The Leys - Splash Park Renovation Procurement To receive and consider the confidential report of the Project Officer. Additional documents:
Minutes: With the express permission of the Chair, this item was brought up the agenda.
The Committee received and considered the confidential report of the Project Officer concerning procurement for the Splashpark Renovation.
Members were advised a clear direction had been provided on the specification for the refurbishment from the consultation ... view the full minutes text for item F65 |
The Project Officer left the meeting at 6:41pm.
Annual Investment Strategy To receive and consider the report of the Responsible Financial Officer. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received and considered the report of the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) along with an updated Investment Strategy.
There was a question on the numbering of the points as well as requests for minor amendments to the Investment Objectives section on page 2 to ensure it read clearly.
Resolved: ... view the full minutes text for item F66 |
Customer Service Standards To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk along with a set of Customer Service Standards to be adopted by the Council.
Members were advised the Standards had been recommended for approval by the Council’s Personnel Sub-Committee, were broadly in line with other local authorities and ... view the full minutes text for item F67 |
Third Party Events - Policy Review To consider the approval of the recommendation made by the Stronger Communities Committee at the meeting of 27 January 2025 to allow additional disability parking at The Leys to be considered at the discretion of Officers following receipt of a Risk Assessment and Traffic Movement Plan from third party event ... view the full agenda text for item F68 Minutes: The Committee considered an addition to the Council’s Third-Party Events Policy concerning disabled parking on its land.
A recommendation had been provided by the Stronger Communities Committee that disabled parking would be considered at the discretion of Officers on receipt of an acceptable risk assessment and traffic movement plan.
Resolved: ... view the full minutes text for item F68 |
Payment of Accounts To receive and consider the schedule of accounts paid and bank reconciliations from the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO). Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received the report of the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) with the accompanying payment schedules, bank statements and reconciliations.
1. That, the report, bank statements and reconciliations be noted, and the following schedule of payments be approved.
Annual Town Meeting To receive and consider the report of the Senior Administrative Officer & Committee Clerk. Minutes: The Committee received and considered the report of the Senior Administrative Officer/Committee Clerk concerning the Annual Town Meeting format which would be held on Wednesday 19th March 2025.
Members were provided with outline proposals for the meeting which were broadly along the same format as before. The main change ... view the full minutes text for item F70 |
Committee Calendar 2025-26 To receive and consider the proposed calendar prepared by the Committee Clerk. Minutes: The Committee received the draft calendar of Meetings for the 2025/26 council year.
The Senior Administrative Assistant/Committee Clerk highlighted a change which formalised a January meeting in 2026 to sign off the budget and Town Council precept.
That, the calendar of meetings for 2025/26 be recommended for approval.
During the following agenda item Cllr O Collins left the meeting at 7:08pm returning at 7:11pm
Local Government Devolution and the English Devolution White Paper To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk/CEO. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received and considered the report of the Town Clerk & C.E.O concerning recently announced plans for devolution in Council’s across England.
Members were advised the terms of devolution had not yet been confirmed but the Council should be proactive, considering aspirations, funding needs ahead of any negotiations and permitting ... view the full minutes text for item F72 |
To receive and consider the report of the R.F.O concerning the financial position of items under the remit of this Committee in 2024/25 and the upcoming 2025/26 period. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received and considered the report of the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) detailing income and expenditure for budgets which were the responsibility of the committee.
Members receives the management accounts and investment returns for the Council. The accounts showed little change since the budget-setting process and the investment returns ... view the full minutes text for item F73 |
Financial Matters referred from Spending Committees To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk. Minutes: The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.
Members noted the financial implications from decisions taken by the Council’s standing Committees during the last meetings cycle.
1. That, the report and verbal update be noted and, 2. That, recommendations of the spending Committees as detailed ... view the full minutes text for item F74 |
Grants & Subsidised Lettings To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received the report of the Deputy Town Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) concerning grant activity to local organisations.
Members were updated on the progress of the 50th Anniversary Grants fund and ratified the recommendations of the Chair of the Committee on the next set of awards. Officers confirmed ... view the full minutes text for item F75 |
To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk concerning the release of annual grants to local organisations where funds had been agreed during the budget-setting process.
Members noted the value and services provided by all groups listed in the report and were happy to support the ... view the full minutes text for item F76 |
The Responsible Financial Officer left the meeting at 7:55pm
Suspension of Standing Order 48(a) Minutes: Resolved
That Standing Order 48(a) be suspended in order to allow the meeting to continue as it had now lasted for two hours.
Exclusion of Press and Public To consider and if appropriate, to pass the following resolution: That in accordance with section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, and as extended by Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the meeting because of the ... view the full agenda text for item F78 Minutes: Resolved:
That in accordance with section (1(2) of the Public Bodies (admission to Meetings) Act 1960, and as extended by Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the meeting because of the confidential nature of the following business to be transacted. ... view the full minutes text for item F78 |
Strategic Property, Legal & Insurance Matters To receive and consider the confidential report of the Town Clerk/CEO. Minutes: The Committee received and considered the confidential report of the Town Clerk/C.E.O.
Members received updates concerning the Witney Allotment Association, Windrush Place Pavilion & sports pitches, notification of a freedom of information request and a potential legal matter concerning an insurance claim.
With regard to the allotments, flooding at the Lakeside ... view the full minutes text for item F79 |
Staffing Matters To receive and consider the confidential minutes of the Personnel Sub-Committee meeting held on 21 January 2025, and approve the recommendations contained therein. (Sent under separate cover) Minutes: The Committee received the minutes of the Personnel Sub Committee meeting held on 21 January 2025.
That, the confidential minutes of the Personnel Sub-Committee meeting held on 21 January 2025, and the recommendations contained therein be approved.