To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.
The Committee received the report of the Deputy Town Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) concerning grant activity to local organisations.
Members were updated on the progress of the 50th Anniversary Grants fund and ratified the recommendations of the Chair of the Committee on the next set of awards. Officers confirmed an application form had been received and the criteria had been met for all.
Having discussed the application for Lowland Rescue earlier in the meeting, Members considered the grant application from Witney Dramatic Society and the value of the requested amount to the wider community. There was concern that lighting depreciated quickly and often needed replacing and it was a substantial amount as part of a larger upgrade over several years. It was agreed the Chair and officers should request to meet with the group to learn more and also discuss the potential use of the Corn Exchange which had upgraded facilities.
With regard to subsidised letting requests, the Committee were favourable for providing free use of the Corn Exchange for Witney Allotment Association, Witney Photo Group, an annual bus users meeting under the Witney Traffic Advisory Committee and noted the agreement for a subsidised film screening by the Halls, Cemeteries & Allotments Committee.
Finally, the Committee noted thanks from Witney & West Oxfordshire Foodbank and Witney Food Revolution regarding financial support at the end of 2024.
1. That, the report be noted and,
2. That, ‘£50 for Fifty’ grants be awarded to Friends of Witney Community Support Service, Springfield School, Witney Grandparent & Toddler Group, Witney Youth Council, and 2120 Squadron RAF Air Cadets and,
3. That, subsidised lettings for Witney Allotment Association and for a film screening in the Corn Exchange be noted and,
4. That, subsidised lettings for a Witney Photo Group exhibition for the sum of £399, and for an annual bus users meeting be agreed and,
5. That, the correspondence from Witney & West Oxfordshire Foodbank and Witney Food Revolution be noted and,
6. That, the above grants be provided under the General Power of Competence and recipients be asked to acknowledge the Town Council in any promotional material.
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