To receive and consider the report of the Senior Administrative Officer & Committee Clerk.
The Committee received and considered the report of the Senior Administrative Officer/Committee Clerk concerning the Annual Town Meeting format which would be held on Wednesday 19th March 2025.
Members were provided with outline proposals for the meeting which were broadly along the same format as before. The main change would be the introduction of an annual report produced by officers, rather than individual Committee reports; this would mean Committee Chairs would not be required to present their reports individually.
The other suggestions were that officers consider how to engage and include under 18’s in the conversation, participation of community groups and how the meeting could be made more interactive with the use of technology.
It was agreed there should be youth participation and possibly a separate Youth Annual Town Meeting in the future, short videos could be provided by groups & grant awardees, and that consideration be given to temporary residents who would not be on the electoral roll.
1. That, the report be noted and,
2. That, the layout and format for the meeting be agreed as presented in the report and,
3. That, Café 1863 should be opened and,
4. That, the Youth Council be invited to attend the meeting and consideration be given to how other under-18’s can participate and,
5. That, short videos from community groups/grant awardees be requested and,
6. That, consideration be given to how to involve temporary Witney residents in the meeting.
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