Venue: Gallery Room, The Corn Exchange, Witney. View directions
Contact: Deputy Town Clerk
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence To consider apologies and reasons for absence.
Committee members who are unable to attend the meeting should notify the Deputy Town Clerk ( prior to the meeting, stating the reason for absence.
Standing Order 30(a)(v) permits the appointment of substitute Councillors to a Committee whose role is ... view the full agenda text for item SC247 Minutes: All members were present at the meeting.
Declarations of Interest Members are reminded to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests in any items under consideration at this meeting in accordance with the Town Council’s Code of Conduct. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest from members or officers.
Election of Vice-Chair To elect the Vice-Chair of the Committee for the 2022/2023 municipal year. Minutes: The Chair called for nominations for the position of Vice-Chair of the Committee.
It was proposed and seconded that Councillor Luci Ashbourne be elected. There being no other nominations it was:
That, Councillor Luci Ashbourne be elected Vice-Chair of the Committee for the 2022/2023 municipal year.
a) To adopt and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 21 March 2022 b) Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda. (Questions on the progress of any item). Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the committee held on 21 March 2022 were received.
SC131 – Happy to Chat Benches
The Deputy Town Clerk reported that no reply had been received from the group who originally requested this project in 2020. It was agreed that if no response was ... view the full minutes text for item SC250 |
Public Participation The meeting will adjourn for this item.
Members of the public may speak for a maximum of five minutes each during the period of public participation, in line with Standing Order 42. Matters raised shall relate to the following items on the agenda. Minutes: There was no public participation.
Committee Terms of Reference PDF 316 KB To review the Committee Terms of Reference (TOR). The current TOR’s are attached. Minutes: The committee considered whether any changes were needed to the current Terms of Reference.
1. That, ‘in town council ownership’ be inserted into point (b) concerning maintaining infrastructure and; 2. That, point (g) be omitted as it duplicated point (a)
Open Spaces Strategy, Committee Objectives and Work Programme for the Municipal Year PDF 111 KB To receive the report of the Town Clerk/CEO. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received and considered the report of the Town Clerk/C.E.O concerning the Open Spaces Strategy (OSS) and programme of works for the year.
Members were advised that most of the OSS actions were underway, most were time sensitive and crossed over with other committees’ priorities. Some of these capital ... view the full minutes text for item SC253 |
To receive the report of the Town Clerk/CEO. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received and considered the report of the Town Clerk and were advised the financial position of items within its remit were in a good position.
That, the report of the Town Clerk be noted.
Councillor L Ashbourne joined the meeting at 6.08pm
Youth Services Grant Review PDF 466 KB To consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk. Minutes: The committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk concerning the Youth Services Grant for 2022.
Members were pleased to hear the County Council had re-introduced youth crisis funding, that a new Youth Work team was working in West Oxfordshire and they had made contact with town ... view the full minutes text for item SC255 |
Communications and Community Engagement Report PDF 512 KB To consider the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received and considered the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer concerning the annual resident’s satisfaction survey results, the town council App, and championing local.
Members were pleased to see several hundred survey responses had been received from residents. They noted there was still confusion over Local Government ... view the full minutes text for item SC256 |
Town Hall Window - Community Use PDF 352 KB To consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk concerning the Town Hall windows.
Members were advised re-branding of the Town Council was nearing completion and once that was done, the windows would be utilised more to advertised Council services and the events at the Corn Exchange. ... view the full minutes text for item SC257 |
Third Party/ Large Events To receive a verbal update (If appropriate) Minutes: The Committee received a verbal update from the Deputy Town Clerk.
Members were advised that Witney Pride appeared to have been a successful event at the Leys and the organisation of future upcoming events were in hand with the Venue & Events Officer. Paperwork had been received and reviewed for most ... view the full minutes text for item SC258 |
Platinum Jubilee Working Party Minutes PDF 481 KB To receive the minutes of the Platinum Jubilee Working Party held on 28th April 2022. Minutes: The Committee received the minutes of the Platinum Jubilee Working Party held on 28 April 2022.
The Chair of the Stronger Communities Committee thanked the Working Party for its work in planning a programme of events for the weekend which everyone was looking forward to.
That, the minutes of ... view the full minutes text for item SC259 |
Oxford Playhouse - Participation Event at the Leys Recreation Ground PDF 527 KB To consider correspondence concerning an event at the Leys. Minutes: The committee received and considered correspondence from Oxford Playhouse concerning their ‘Playhouse Plays Out Tent Tour.’
Members were supportive of the initiative which could be held on The Leys Recreation Ground, but the funds needed to facilitate were regrettably not available in the current year. A discussion could be had ... view the full minutes text for item SC260 |
Community Support - Ukrainian Families To receive a verbal update (if appropriate) Minutes: The Committee received a verbal update from members and heard that more Ukrainian families were coming in and the scheme locally appeared to be working well. School and Surgery places had been found and administration of support via Cogges Church was helping all concerned.
At the moment, there was nothing ... view the full minutes text for item SC261 |
Tower Hill Tree re-inspection PDF 358 KB To consider the report of the Maintenance & Environmental Services Officer Minutes: The Committee received and considered the report of the Maintenance & Environmental Services Officer.
Members supported the need to undertake a re-inspection of mature trees at Tower Hill Cemetery following storms earlier in the year. Officers confirmed the cost would be allocated from an underspend in the arboriculture budget from 2021-22. ... view the full minutes text for item SC262 |
Litter and Dog Waste Bins PDF 129 KB To consider the report of the Maintenance & Environmental Services Officer (To follow) Minutes: The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.
Members were advised the District Council had completed its bin replacement programme in Witney and all those which remained in place had been upgraded to dual use bins, while a number of bins had been removed and not ... view the full minutes text for item SC263 |
Exclusion of Press and Public To consider and if appropriate, to pass the following resolution:
That in accordance with section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, and as extended by Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the meeting because of the ... view the full agenda text for item SC264 Minutes: Resolved:
That in accordance with section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, and as extended by Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the meeting because of the confidential nature of the following business to be transacted ... view the full minutes text for item SC264 |
Closed-circuit television (CCTV) To consider the confidential report of the Town Clerk/CEO. Minutes: The Committee received the confidential report of the Town Clerk/C.E.O concerning contributions towards CCTV provision.
Members welcomed a response from West Oxfordshire District Council updating on the current provision but were conscious a proposed upgrade had not materialised in recent years. There was agreement that funds should be released but ... view the full minutes text for item SC265 |