Committee details

Stronger Communities

Purpose of committee

Terms of reference for the Stronger Communities Committee


a) To recognise the value and benefit of voluntary groups and endeavours within our community, including provision of youth services, supporting and helping to facilitate where possible;


b) To maintain infrastructure in the Town Council’s ownership such as trees, floral displays, town centre street furniture (seats, litter bins), bus shelters, CCTV, noticeboards and Christmas Lights displays;


c) To organise special events such as Freedom Parades, Remembrance Sunday and other Civic events within the programme and the budget agreed by the Council;


d) To work in collaboration with other partnerships on town wide events such as the Christmas Lights switch-on and others that may arise from time to time;


e) To oversee the Council’s communication and publications – such as the website and quarterly newsletter;


f) To oversee the local Schools in Bloom competition and the Council’s entry into the regional In Bloom Competition;


g) The Membership of the Committee shall consist of 6 Members plus the Town Mayor and The Leader of the Council ex officio with voting rights


h) The quorum of the Committee shall be 4 Members.

The Action Plan for this Committee in the 2024-25 Council year can be seen here



Contact information

Support officer: Democratic & Legal Services Officer.

Postal address:
Town Hall
Market Square
OX28 6AG

Phone: 01993 704379
