Venue: Virtual Meeting Room via Zoom. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services Officer
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To consider apologies and reasons for absence.
Committee Members who are unable to attend the meeting should notify the Democratic Services Officer ( prior to the meeting, stating the reason for absence.
Standing Order 30(a)(v) permits the appointment of substitute Councillors to a Committee whose role is ... view the full agenda text for item H269 Minutes: There were no apologies for absence.
Declarations of Interest Members are reminded to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests in any of the items under consideration at this meeting in accordance with the Town Council’s code of conduct. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest in matters to be discussed at the meeting.
a) To receive and consider the minutes of the Halls, Cemeteries and Allotments Minutes held on 29 June 2020;
b) Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda (Questions on the progress on any item).
Minutes: The Committee received and considered the minutes of the meeting held on 6 July 2020.
There were no matters arising from the minutes to be discussed at the meeting.
RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting held on 6 July 2020 be agreed and signed by the Chair as a ... view the full minutes text for item H271 |
Public Participation The meeting will adjourn for this item.
Members of the public may speak for a maximum of five minutes each during the period of public participation, in line with Standing Order 42. Matters raised shall relate to the following items on the agenda.
Minutes: There were no members of the public present for this item.
To receive and consider the report of the Operations and Estates Officer.
Minutes: The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer.
RESOLVED: that the report be noted.
Public Halls Report PDF 639 KB To receive and consider the report of the Venue Manager. Minutes: The Committee received and considered the report of the Venue Manager. He advised that in the light of the implementation of “The Rule of 6”, the staff would be contacting all bookers to discuss their options.
The Office Manager advised that a “Lighting Up” policy for the Corn exchange would ... view the full minutes text for item H274 |
Tower Hill & Windrush Cemeteries, St Mary's Closed Churchyard PDF 454 KB To receive and consider the report of the Operations & Estates Officer Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer which included revisiting requests for an additional pedestrian access at Tower Hill Cemetery. An additional 2 people had also requested this via the Chair.
There followed a discussion on whether this would benefit enough people to justify ... view the full minutes text for item H275 |
To receive and consider the report of the Operations and Estates Officer. Minutes: The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer. A member asked when the new allotment site at Windrush Place would be ready and the Operations and Estates Officer replied that the work should be started fairly soon.
Another member reported that she had observed fly ... view the full minutes text for item H276 |
Renewable Energy Sources Follow Up PDF 368 KB To receive and consider the report of the Compliance and Environment Officer. Minutes: The Committee received and considered the report of the Compliance and Environment Officer, concerning electric heating solutions, Burwell Hall and green energy.
RESOLVED: that the report be noted and:
1. that an infrared heater be installed in one of the offices in the Town Hall;
2. that a green gas ... view the full minutes text for item H277 |
To receive and consider the report of the Town
Clerk/RFO Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received the report of the Town Clerk. She asked members to ensure they brought to her attention any projects they may wish to see during the next fiscal year for the budget setting process. A member suggested that she would like to see the chapel at Tower Hill ... view the full minutes text for item H278 |
Minutes of the Corn Exchange Working Party PDF 372 KB To receive and consider the minutes of the Corn Exchange Working Party held on 7 September 2020. Minutes: The Committee received and considered the minutes of the Corn Exchange Working Party held on 7 September 2020.
RESOLVED: that the minutes be noted and the recommendations contained therein approved.
Exclusion of Press and Public To consider and if appropriate, to pass the following resolution: That in accordance with section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, and as extended by Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the meeting because of the ... view the full agenda text for item H280 Minutes: RESOLVED: that in accordance with section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, and as extended by Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the meeting because of the confidential nature of the following business to be transacted. ... view the full minutes text for item H280 |
Park Road Allotment Gardens To receive a confidential update from the Town Clerk on the status of the Park Road Allotment Gardens Minutes: Members received a confidential verbal update from the Town Clerk.
RESOLVED: as per the confidential minutes.