Agenda item

Tower Hill & Windrush Cemeteries, St Mary's Closed Churchyard

To receive and consider the report of the Operations & Estates Officer


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer which included revisiting requests for an additional pedestrian access at Tower Hill Cemetery.   An additional 2 people had also requested this via the Chair.


There followed a discussion on whether this would benefit enough people to justify spending the money on the proposed entrance.  The Operations and Estates Officer advised that at a minimum the cost would be £14 - £15k.  Permission would also be needed to create an entrance/exit onto the footpath and the cycle barriers would need to be removed.  Members wondered if a consultation could be done to ascertain the need for this.


It was decided that if permission could not be obtained to open up the wall onto the footpath, the project could not go any further anyway so this should be the starting point.  If permission was granted then consideration could be given to a resident’s survey and a budget.


RESOLVED:          that the report be noted and:


1.            that the Operations and Estates Officer researches what permissions would be needed to open up the cemetery wall in terms of the footpath on the other side;


2.            that once the issues of permission was resolved, if it was possible to go ahead, thought be given on how to gauge residents’ opinion on the proposal;


3.            that if it is possible to go ahead, some thought be given to a budget for inclusion next year.


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