Agenda and draft minutes

Venue: Gallery Room, The Corn Exchange, Witney. View directions

No. Item


Apologies for Absence

To receive and consider apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors S Simpson & D Enright, A Bullock of Witney Chamber of Commerce and A Lyon of West Oxfordshire Community Transport.




Public Participation

Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting.  Any member of the public who so wishes may speak, at this point in the meeting, for a maximum of five minutes on any matter relating to an item on the agenda.


There was no public participation.



To adopt and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 24 September 2024 (copy enclosed) pdf icon PDF 387 KB


The Committee received the minutes of the meeting held on 24 September 2024.




That, the minutes of the Witney Traffic Advisory Committee meetings held on 24 September 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.



Matters arising from the Minutes not covered in subsequent items


T46 – Witney Town Council Officers confirmed that the necessary technology was being trialled and should be ready for the March meeting. It was agreed that the option of Hybrid Meetings be added to the next meeting Agenda.


T47 -  The Chair advised the decision on changes to parking in Corn Street & Church Green would be made on 23 January 2025 by Oxfordshire County Council and that County Officers would provide more details in their report later in the meeting.


T47 – In response to a question from the Deputy Town Clerk, County Officers advised they would speak with colleagues to ensure the resident of Deer Park is contacted about white lining outside of his property. In particular the policy, and that this could be provided as it was a distance away from the resident’s driveway.



Cllr R Smith joined the meeting during the following item at 3.12pm




Place & Planning pdf icon PDF 420 KB

To receive and consider the OCC Place Planning Team Update and Civil Enforcement Report.

Additional documents:


Members received and considered the Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) reports which included updates on Road Surface Dressing, A40 junction at Shores Green, Witney High Street improvements, proposals for Fiveways Roundabout, updates on the feasibility studies in Bridge Street and Corn Street, an update on two crossing as part of the Windrush Place Active Travel Scheme, footpath improvements for Madley Park, the implementation of a footpath at Guild Close, verge protection around Witney Community Primary School, the proposed parking changes for Church Green and Corn Street, Lime Walk/Harvest Way lining, and drainage issues behind Wood Green School and Windrush Health Centre.

In addition, OCC parking enforcement figures were provided to the Committee for information.

Road Surface Dressing Schedule 25/26

OCC Officers provided information regarding planned works, in response to a question if Oxford Hill would be included, Officers informed Members that a plan of scheduled works was available to be viewed online.

A40 Shores Green

Members were pleased to hear that groundwork would commence in February 2025, with the main works commencing in May, this had been delayed due to land access issues, which had been resolved.

High Street/Market Square

Officers provided a short update following the publication of the consultation report issued in December 2024. A Member enquired about how much money had been spent to date, OCC officers however did not have this details to hand. Members also raised again concerns about a specific road safety issue, Officers advised that this been noted and taken into consideration in the Consultation feedback report and therefore the design team would look into this.

Bridge Street Area

Questions were raised regarding the Witney North housing development, OCC Officers advised that they were having frequent meetings as was the standard practice with the developer to discuss the outline plans.

Fiveways Roundabout improvements

A presentation was given with Members noting this key connection into Witney was driven by the Local Cycle and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) along with the Vision Zero programme. They heard the Welch Way arm proposals remains unfunded, but the concept design of protected space is funded. Members welcomed theses updates and reviewed the initial design pictures.

Concerns were raised on how complicated the design looked, if there was sufficient space for the design to work effectively and safely, if there would be raised platforms at junctions due to speed concerns in this area and how rights of way education and visibility issues at Ducklington Lane and Corn Street would be dealt with. Further questions were asked with regards to segregation of the road and cycle lanes, and the difficulty for bus drivers accessing the tight turn into Corn Street.

Members were advised that the design did fit into the area available, but as the Department for Transport no longer supported Shared Space Schemes there would be segregation of road users by various means, however barriers between cyclists and road users would not be used due to safety concerns. Vision displays would be improved by the narrowing of the road which  ...  view the full minutes text for item T59


Community Speedwatch Update pdf icon PDF 392 KB

To receive a report from the Deputy Town Clerk at Witney Town Council outlining the activity of the group which comes under the remit of this Committee.

Additional documents:


The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk of Witney Town Council, and a verbal update from the Chair regarding the Community Speedwatch Scheme and attached data from the Thames Valley Police Community Speedwatch portal.

Members were updated on the current number of volunteers, as well as the date and location of the next session. The Chair advised that the scheme was going well, with an overall positive response from residents when carrying out the sessions.

Members thanked the Community Speedwatch team for their hard work and noted that the data showed a general compliance with the 20mph limit.

Members were encouraged to consider the appointment of a further group administrator.

  1. That, the report and verbal update be noted.
  2. That, the appointment of a further group administrator to be delegated to the Chair.




Thames Valley Police Safer Road Statistics pdf icon PDF 530 KB

To receive correspondence and statistics from TVP Safer Roads Unit for information.

Additional documents:


The Committee received road safety statistics from Thames Valley Police, and for the Cherwell and West Oxfordshire areas.

The data tied with the Community Speedwatch and parking penalty updates, and it was noted that the data helps to target resources in the right areas. It was noted that over the Christmas period there is a heightened awareness for driving under the influence of alcohol/drugs, leading to reduced numbers and changes in behaviours.

In general, it was confirmed by the Thames Valley Police representative that enforcement had to be targeted and focused in the areas required.


  1. That, the TVP road safety statistics be noted and,
  2. That, they continue to be brought to this Committee for information.




Witney Bus User's Meeting pdf icon PDF 460 KB

To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk at Witney Town Council.


The Committee received and considered the report prepared by the Deputy Town Clerk of Witney Town Council with regards to the Bus Users meeting held on the 3 October 2024 at the Corn Exchange, hosted by the Chair.

Members were pleased to hear of the overwhelmingly positive response to the meeting, with around 65-70 participants able to air their views/ raise issues and deemed the meeting a great platform for residents. It was noted there was a large attendance from Eynsham and Oxford residents who travel into Witney, and there was a positive passion for the H2 Service.

Further comments were made with regards to the timing of the meeting, some users not being able to attend due to not being back from work, or it being too late in the day, and a suggestion was raised if the meeting could be livestreamed so that more people can attend.

The Chair informed the Committee of correspondence from a member of the public asking if this Bus Users meeting could be an annual event. A Member suggested that it could be added to the Annual Town meeting agenda, however, the Committee agreed it would lose its focus as an item but could be mentioned there would be an annual Bus Users meeting- the parish transport representative offered to answer questions asked at the Annual Town Meeting.

A recommendation was made by the Chair and seconded by Cllr Brooker to hold an annual Bus Users meeting, and a request to be made to Witney Town Council for free use of the Corn Exchange. Members unanimously agreed. A second proposal was made by the Chair, seconded by Cllr J Aitman, and again unanimously agreed by Members that an amendment be made to the Committee terms of reference- to reflect this.


  1. That, the report and correspondence be noted and,
  2. That, an annual Bus Users meeting should be held and,
  3. That, a request for a subsidised let of the Corn Exchange be requested from Witney Town Council and,
  4. That, the Committee Terms of Reference be amended to include the organisation of an annual bus user meeting





Public Transport Update

To receive an update from Members present on any public transport matters, if appropriate.


The Committee received verbal updates from the Independent Parish Transport Representative and the representative from Stagecoach.

Members received an update on the Bus Stop capture exercise being undertaken by Oxfordshire County Council. An audit of all Parish stops was being undertaken; however, OCC had taken the decision to bring this in house as it was identified as ambitious for Parish Transport Representatives to undertake.

The fare for the new MyBus tickets would be going up in April however it will still cover all buses that serve Witney. Members were informed that there was a high uptake in school age children using these tickets.

Members were updated on the planned changes to the S2 service, to include an early morning stop in Yarnton. The H2 service which would increase it’s service to operate every 30 minutes from 23 February following Pulhams taking on the contract, they also heard that the E1 service would be reviewed once the Botley Road re-opened.


  1. That, the verbal updates be noted.




H2 Bus Service Request pdf icon PDF 3 KB

To receive a request from a member of the public to amend the route of the current H2 service to service Witney Hospital.


The Committee received correspondence from a resident requesting an amendment to the H2 service to include a stop at Witney Community Hospital. The request had been forwarded by the Chair to OCC and Pulhams Coaches, with considerations to be given to use the stop by Witney Library, or possible new stops at the Hospital, using the verge area.


  1. That, the correspondence be noted and,
  2. That, the Chair provide an update at the next meeting.



Items Raised at the Meeting

To receive and consider any pressing matters from members which may be added to the next meeting agenda for consideration.


Speeding on Cogges Hill Road- Cllr Robertshaw raised concerns regarding speeding/ road safety on Cogges Hill Road. A Member noted that this is already a Speedwatch site, and traffic calming for this area was included in the LCWIP. O Parsons from OCC informed the Committee that the Witney East development had proposed improvements via S106.

Centenary Way- Members reported that this area was not being gritted as it was not currently an adopted highway, which being a major bus route was a safety concern. The Chair informed the Committee he had discussed the issue with OCC’s locality team, and although until this road is adopted it is the responsibility of the Consortium of builders, it was noted that gritting must take place prior to freezing events, not after.

Parking on Smiths Estate- A Member raised concerns of access for buses on Apley Way and Lancut Road due to parked vehicles. It was noted that it is a Police matter if traffic is restricted by an obstruction.

Welch Way- A Member asked if the bus markings could be moved on Welch Way due to obstruction issues, including delays to emergency vehicles passing in this area. It was suggested that the markings be moved forward, or part of the pavement be removed to accommodate. OCC Officers would raise this with the High Street team.




Date of the Next meeting(s)

To receive the date of the next meeting of Witney Traffic Advisory Committee for information.


Members were advised the next meeting of the Committee would be held on 18 March 2025 at 3pm.