To receive and consider the OCC Place Planning Team Update and Civil Enforcement Report.
Members received and considered the Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) reports which included updates on Road Surface Dressing, A40 junction at Shores Green, Witney High Street improvements, proposals for Fiveways Roundabout, updates on the feasibility studies in Bridge Street and Corn Street, an update on two crossing as part of the Windrush Place Active Travel Scheme, footpath improvements for Madley Park, the implementation of a footpath at Guild Close, verge protection around Witney Community Primary School, the proposed parking changes for Church Green and Corn Street, Lime Walk/Harvest Way lining, and drainage issues behind Wood Green School and Windrush Health Centre.
In addition, OCC parking enforcement figures were provided to the Committee for information.
Road Surface Dressing Schedule 25/26
OCC Officers provided information regarding planned works, in response to a question if Oxford Hill would be included, Officers informed Members that a plan of scheduled works was available to be viewed online.
A40 Shores Green
Members were pleased to hear that groundwork would commence in February 2025, with the main works commencing in May, this had been delayed due to land access issues, which had been resolved.
High Street/Market Square
Officers provided a short update following the publication of the consultation report issued in December 2024. A Member enquired about how much money had been spent to date, OCC officers however did not have this details to hand. Members also raised again concerns about a specific road safety issue, Officers advised that this been noted and taken into consideration in the Consultation feedback report and therefore the design team would look into this.
Bridge Street Area
Questions were raised regarding the Witney North housing development, OCC Officers advised that they were having frequent meetings as was the standard practice with the developer to discuss the outline plans.
Fiveways Roundabout improvements
A presentation was given with Members noting this key connection into Witney was driven by the Local Cycle and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) along with the Vision Zero programme. They heard the Welch Way arm proposals remains unfunded, but the concept design of protected space is funded. Members welcomed theses updates and reviewed the initial design pictures.
Concerns were raised on how complicated the design looked, if there was sufficient space for the design to work effectively and safely, if there would be raised platforms at junctions due to speed concerns in this area and how rights of way education and visibility issues at Ducklington Lane and Corn Street would be dealt with. Further questions were asked with regards to segregation of the road and cycle lanes, and the difficulty for bus drivers accessing the tight turn into Corn Street.
Members were advised that the design did fit into the area available, but as the Department for Transport no longer supported Shared Space Schemes there would be segregation of road users by various means, however barriers between cyclists and road users would not be used due to safety concerns. Vision displays would be improved by the narrowing of the road which would result in slowing traffic. The Vision Zero team were happy to test and trial the scheme as part of their planning process. Members were invited to contact Cambridge and Sheffield for feedback on similar schemes.
Madley Park Path
There was frustration from some Members of the Committee with regards to the delay in the Madley Park path improvements and they requested an update be provided with regards to the timescale.
Windrush Place Active Travel Scheme
Members welcomed the news that work had commenced on the feasibility design for the two crossings.
Corn Street and Church Green Parking Proposals.
Members noted a decision would be made by OCC on 23 January and were invited to view the link provided. A Works order had been raised for Windrush Health Centre surface adjustments, Members asked that OCC Officers chase for an update for the works at Wood Green School and asked for further information regarding costings. It was currently being funded by OCC; however, it should be the contractor’s responsibility.
The Committee also heard that there were no further updates regarding the traffic lights at Woodford Way, or the pedestrian crossing at West End.
The Chair commended the work of the Traffic Advisory Committee on the issues raised, and the significant number of changes being implemented by OCC due to the issues raised in these meetings by Members.
Lastly the Committee received details of OCC parking enforcement statistics, it was noted wardens had been much more visible in the Town however, the issue of illegal parking on Corn Street was raised as this is a particular issue for buses and it had led to an accident in the previous week.
A Member raised the question of camera enforcement. Members were reminded of the current ANPR consultation being led by OCC for the High Street and encouraged responses to be submitted with the suggestion that any ideas to utilise the ANPR scheme to help with the parking issues.
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