Agenda and minutes

Venue: Main Hall, The Corn Exchange, Witney. View directions

Contact: Deputy Town Clerk 

No. Item


One Minute Silence for HM Queen

The Chair will lead a minutes’ silence in remembrance of the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II


Before the meeting Mayor Councillor L Duncan paid tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and led a one-minute silence.



Apologies for Absence

To consider apologies and reasons for absence.


Committee members who are unable to attend the meeting should notify the Committee Clerk prior to the meeting, stating the reason for absence.


Standing Order 30(a)(v) permits the appointment of substitute Councillors to a Committee whose role is to replace ordinary Councillors at a meeting of a Committee if ordinary Councillors of the Committee have confirmed to the Proper Officer before the meeting that they are unable to attend.


An apology for absence was received from Councillor V Gwatkin.



Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests in any of the items under consideration at this meeting in accordance with the Town Council’s code of conduct.


There were no declarations of interest from members or officers.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 510 KB

To approve and adopt the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 1 August 2022 in accordance with Standing Order 18 including questions on the minutes as to the progress of any item.


The minutes of the meeting held 1 August 2022 were approved and adopted. Councillor D Harvey thanked the Council for the granting of his dispensation.



Public Participation

The meeting will adjourn for this item.


Members of the public may speak for a maximum of five minutes each during the period of public participation, in line with Standing Order 42.  Matters raised shall relate to the following items on the agenda.


There was no public participation.



Witney Community Policing Issues

To receive an update from the Witney Police Team (if appropriate)


Members received a verbal update from Inspector C Ball of Thames Valley Police (TVP).


The update advised that crime was at a low level, Anti-Social behaviour had resulted in 11 ASBO’s being issued over the summer period. Work continued with the issue of low-level drug dealing on Madley Park. TVP were currently focusing on rural fuel theft.


In response to questions from members, Inspector Ball confirmed that TVP had a dedicated burglary team and that figures in West Oxfordshire were very low. He also advised that TVP do ask shops to be vigilant around the sale of flour and eggs to teens around the weeks leading to Halloween.


Members thanked TVP for the work they do and in particular the PCSO’s who attended and supported the recent Car Free Day.




That, the verbal update be noted.



An Update from Witney Oxfordshire County Councillors and West Oxfordshire District Councillors

To receive a short verbal update from Oxfordshire County Councillors representing Witney Wards and West Oxfordshire District Councillors.


Oxfordshire County Council (OCC)


Councillor Enright advised that OCC were seeing Inflation effect Capital Financed Projects such as the Shores Green/A40 improvements. He also spoke about the Witney High Street plans advising that these “would not be rushed” in order to allow for consultation of which Witney Town Council would be an important consultee.


Regarding the Oxfordshire Plan 2050, Councillor Enright advised that this had recently collapsed over disagreements about housing numbers. Districts were now preparing new plans and he hoped to have an update in the New Year.



West Oxfordshire District Council (WODC)


Councillor Aitman advised that she, along with Councillor Prosser, were heading up a programme to assist residents of the district with the rising costs of living. This consisted of offering additional financial assistance to established community groups, financing lunch clubs and assisting Foodbanks to purchase wholesale


Also, WODC were aware of an increase of shoplifting, this was acknowledged by Inspector Ball, so more evidence that people were struggling with rising costs.


Lastly, Councillor Aitman asked that all members make their wards aware of the information available from WODC. WODC intended to distribute leaflets and posters to all local parishes and towns to promote the support being provided.


Councillor Prosser advised that WODC were looking to also offer a drop-in session with advice on energy.




That, the verbal updates be noted.



Report Back from the Councillors on the Work with External Bodies where they serve as the Town Council's Nominated Representative

To receive a short verbal update from councillors who sit on external bodies where they serve as the Town Council’s nominated representative.


Councillor Smith advised that the Lower Windrush Valley Project were working with WODC and The Wychwood Project on a grant application to improve the area between Farm Mill Lane and the Langel Area. This was to improve the overall area including the waterway banks and beds.


Councillor Aitman confirmed that Witney Educational Foundation was receiving a number of requests due to cost-of-living increase for basic items such as uniforms, and assistance with school trips.




That, the verbal updates be noted



Parks & Recreation Committee - 5 September 2022 pdf icon PDF 503 KB


The Vice Chair of the committee presented the above minutes to council and moved their acceptance.


Councillor O Collins advised he was substitute for Councillor L Ashbourne and asked that the minutes be amended to reflect this.




1.                That, the minutes be amended to reflect Councillor Collins substituted for Councillor Ashbourne and,

2.                That, the minutes of the Parks & Recreation Committee meeting held on 5 September 2022 be received, and any recommendations therein approved.



Halls, Cemeteries & Allotments Committee- 26 September 2022 pdf icon PDF 371 KB


The Chair of the committee presented the above minutes to council and moved their acceptance.




That, the minutes of the Halls, Cemeteries & Allotments Committee meeting held on 26 September 2022 be received, and any recommendations therein approved.



Stronger Communities Committee - 26 September 2022 pdf icon PDF 510 KB


The Chair of the committee presented the above minutes to council and moved their acceptance.


468 – Councillor D Temple questioned the use of the word “Partnership” and what this would mean. Members who were present at the meeting of 26 September 2022 advised that the official memorandum of understanding which would be drafted to provide this information.




That, the minutes of the Stronger Communities Committee meeting held on 26 September 2022 be received, and any recommendations therein approved.



Policy, Governance & Finance Committee- 3 October 2022 pdf icon PDF 535 KB


The Chair of the committee presented the above minutes to council and moved their acceptance.




That, the minutes of the Policy, Governance & Finance Committee meeting held on 3 October 2022 be received, and any recommendations therein approved.



Climate, Biodiversity & Planning Committee - 2 & 23 August, 27 September pdf icon PDF 492 KB

Additional documents:


The Chair of the committee presented the above minutes to council and moved their acceptance.




That, the minutes of the Climate, Bio-Diversity & Planning Committee meeting held on 2 August, 23 August and 27 September 2022 be received, and any recommendations therein approved.



Conclusion of Audit for Year Ending 31 March 2022 pdf icon PDF 726 KB

To note that the Council’s External Auditor, Moore, have completed the review of Sections 1 and 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return for year ended 31 March 2022, and in their opinion the information is in accordance with Proper Practices (External Audit Report and Certificate 2021/22 enclosed).

Additional documents:


The Council reviewed the correspondence received from the Council’s External Auditor,

Moore, and thanked the officers for their work in achieving the certification in a difficult year.


The Town Clerk confirmed that the certificates had been published for public view.




That, the outcome of the review of Sections 1 and 2 of the Annual Governance and

Accountability Return for year ended 31 March 2022 be noted.



Councillor Code of Conduct 2022 pdf icon PDF 625 KB

To receive the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.

Additional documents:


The Council received the report of the Deputy Town Clerk and a verbal update from the Town Clerk who advised members of the importance of Section 7 which covered the registering and declaring (of) interests.  She also highlighted that  sections referring to Cabinet Members did not apply to the Town Council, and she would be amending the end document to reflect what was relevant.


Members that attended the online session on 30 September 2022 run by WODC Monitoring Officer expressed how useful and informative it was. The Town Clerk confirmed that the  recording of the session will be forwarded to all members when received from WODC.


Members can contact the Town Clerk or the Monitoring Officer at WODC should they have any questions.  She advised that Members needed to now complete new declarations of interests and she would be handing these out at the end of the meeting.


Members voted unanimously to adopt the Code of Conduct.




1.      That, the report and verbal update be noted and,

2.      That, the new Code of Conduct, as amended, be adopted by Witney Town Council and,

3.      That, the Code is published on Witney Town Council website and,

4.      That, Members  complete new Register of Interest declaration forms and return to the Town Clerk by 28 October 2022



Civility & Respect Pledge pdf icon PDF 477 KB

To receive the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.


The Council received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk.  The Town commented that this further supported the intentions of Councillor Code of Conduct and dealt with expected behaviours.


Members voted unanimously to adopt the Civility & Respect Pledge




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That,  the Council signs up to the Civility & Respect Pledge.



Project Update pdf icon PDF 462 KB

To receive a report of the Project Officer, enclosed, and a report to follow from the Town Clerk and Chief Executive in relation to major projects.


The Council received and considered the report of the Project Officer.


Members discussed the potential audience for NT Live performances in the Corn Exchange, it was confirmed that these had been popular events when hosted in Cineworld in Witney.


Members thanked officers for the arrangement and hosting of a reception for the unveiling of the Alice Batt Blue Plaque and for all the work on bringing the Corn Exchange seating closer to being installed and complete.


Members were pleased to hear that the repairs to the cycle stand at The Leys would be carried out for free.




That, the report be noted.



Civic Announcements pdf icon PDF 443 KB

To receive the report of the Mayor & Mayor’s Secretary.


The Council received the report of the Town Mayor.


Councillor Duncan also thanked Councillors and officers who helped, at very short notice, with events around Queen Elizabeth II passing and the accession of King Charles III.




That, the report and verbal update be noted



Vandalism and Health & Safety pdf icon PDF 342 KB

To receive an update on health and safety items (if applicable) and a spreadsheet showing the latest vandalism to Council property.


The Council received a verbal update in respect of Health & Safety from the Town Clerk.


Members also received details of Vandalism reported and of incidents of anti social behaviour subjected on council employees.




That, the verbal update be noted.



Grounds Maintenance

To receive an update from the Town Clerk and Chief Executive in respect of progress on bringing the grounds maintenance service in house with effect from 1 October 2022.


The Town Clerk gave a verbal update on bringing the grounds maintenance contract in house.  She commented that the three members of staff had smoothly integrated with the existing team.  Whilst early days, she was pleased with how the transition had gone so far.  The Operations Manager had worked hard to procure the necessary equipment and materials.




That, the verbal update be noted.




A40 County Council Planning Application Consultation R3.0151/21 pdf icon PDF 96 KB

To receive a County Council planning application in relation to the A40 and consider a response, if appropriate. The plans can be found by accessing the electronic link in the document attached to the agenda item.


An initial response from the Climate, Biodiversity & Planning Committee on an earlier consultation this year is attached for information.

Additional documents:


The Council considered the correspondence from Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) in respect of the request for further submissions for the planning application R3.0151/21 – A40 HIF2 Smart Corridor (“HIF2 Project”)


Councillor Enright confirmed that he would not be taking part in the debate due to his position at OCC as Cabinet Member for Travel & Development Strategy.


Members discussed and considered the original submission and agreed voted in favour of a suggestion of a link from the A40 to the A34 be built for use of private vehicles as well as buses.


Vote Result:

For 14

Against 0

Abstention 2




That, the Town Clerk replies to OCC with a further submission.



Communication from the Leader

To receive such communications as the Leader of the Council may wish to bring before the Council and to consider the recommendation of the Leader on how such communications should be dealt with.


There were no communications to be reported.



Notice of Definitive Map Notice of landowner deposit pdf icon PDF 43 KB

To receive correspondence from Oxfordshire County Council.

Additional documents:


The Council received and considered the correspondence from Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) in respect of the Notice of landowner deposits under section 31(6) of the Highways Act 1980 and section 15A(1) of the Commons Act 2006.


The Town Clerk also brought Members attention to some correspondence she had received earlier that day from another Parish Council on a notice in its parish.


Members discussed the notification and considered if Witney Town Council was the correct organisation to submit an application to register the land as a town green noting that it had 12 months to respond. West Oxfordshire District Council had recently completed an arrangement on a neighbouring piece of land so they may be better placed.


Members agreed to refer to the Climate, Biodiversity and Planning committee to discuss further.




1.      That, the correspondence is noted and,

2.      That, referred to Climate, Bio-diversity & Planning committee.



Questions to the Leader of the Council

Questions to the Leader of the Council concerning the business of the Council in accordance with Standing Order 15.


In Councillor Gwatkin’s absence there were no questions for the Deputy Leader.



Sealing of Documents

To receive details of documents sealed by the Council (If applicable)


There were no documents sealed.