Issue - decisions

Woddstock Road - Traffic Issues

28/09/2021 - Woddstock Road - Traffic Issues

The Committee received and considered correspondence from a resident of Woodstock Road concerning road safety.


Members were sympathetic to the concerns and were disappointed no reply had been received from Thames Valley Police who were responsible for traffic speed enforcement. County Council officers were asked if the epicormic growth at the zebra crossing could be looked into and members agreed this area could be considered as an area of interest for Community Speedwatch.


The Town Council was supporting 20mph zones and the County Council were taking the lead, but enforcement would be an ongoing issue without speed cameras and required resources from the police.




1.      That, the resident correspondence be noted, and


2.      That, the Town Council writes to Thames Valley Police on behalf of this committee regarding the speeding issue in Woodstock Road and lack of response thus far, and,


3.      That, County Council officers investigate the visibility around the zebra crossing adjacent to Wood Green School, and


4.      That, this area be referred to the Community Speedwatch task and finish group.