Issue - decisions

Safety Concerns - West End, Witney

28/09/2021 - Safety Concerns - West End, Witney

The Committee received and considered correspondence from a resident of West End concerning road safety.


County Council Officers advised they had already looked at the issues of concern, including accident data on this stretch. While there were no direct funds to address these immediately, the developing Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan would address issues raised and it was possible a 20mph speed limit may be extended into this area in the future. In addition, the committee agreed this area should be looked at by the Community Speedwatch task and finish group. 




1.      That, the resident correspondence be noted, and


2.      That, the response from Oxfordshire County Council officers on this issue be noted, showing both mid and long-term solutions, and


3.      That, this are be referred to the Community Speedwatch task and finish group as an area of interest.