The committee received and considered the report of the Town Clerk concerning a procurement policy for the Council.
Members were supportive of the proposed policy which supplemented the Council’s financial regulations. There was agreement that the limit on tendering should be reduced so that the regulations were in sync with other guidance.
The Town Clerk advised the policy, as presented had considered the Council’s aspirations on sustainability and the desire for local contractors. Members, while welcoming these additions requested that a Social Values Policy be created to supplement it further.
1. That, the report be noted and;
2. That, the procurement policy as circulated be adopted subject to the creation of, and mention of a Social Values Policy for the Council and;
3. That, the Social Values Policy be brought to the next meeting of the Committee and;
4. That, in the Council’s financial regulations, the limit on tendering be reduced to £25,000 to reflect current practice and based on the requirement to publish contracts on the Government Tender/Contracts portal.