Issue - decisions

Burford Bridge Closure to 7.5 Tonnes

23/03/2021 - Burford Bridge Closure to 7.5 Tonnes

The Committee considered the Burford Bridge closure to 7.5 tonne vehicles and the impact this had on the surrounding villages and the centre of Witney.


There was agreement that this was a difficult situation, and that Oxfordshire County Council would need to look at the evidence on whether it was working and how the issues raised by WiVTAG could be addressed. With particular concern to Witney was the increase of traffic through Bridge Street and knock-on effect for air quality, councillors for this area would need to be aware of this and lobby, as necessary. It was agreed that the Committee supports the aims of WiVTAG but the issue should be referred to Witney Town Council for further discussion.




1.      That the Committee supports the goals of the Windrush Valley Traffic Action Group (WiVTAG); and,


2.      Asks that this issue be referred to Witney Town Council for further discussion.