Issue - decisions

Report of the Principal Officer - Traffic Schemes Area Operations (North) - Oxfordshire County Council

23/03/2021 - Oxfordshire County Council Infrastructure Locality Team and Area Operations Team Update

The Committee received and considered the update provided by the County Council Infrastructure Locality and Operations Teams.


Members heard that discussions had taken place on the West Witney bus service between County Council officers and developers, and the latter had assured that the spine road on the development would be open in the summer.


There was also an update on traffic calming at Cogges Hill Road. At the last meeting, the committee had heard speed data would be required to add any measures and there was currently no funding for this. However, there was some submitted with the East Witney Planning application and from that three sections of raised road had been requested as the County Council’s response. There was nothing further warranted at this time.






That the report and the updates provided be noted.