Issue - decisions

Climate, Biodiversity and Planning Committee meetings

07/04/2021 - Climate, Biodiversity and Planning Committee meetings held on 15 December 2020, 5 January 2021 and 26 January 2021.

The Chair presented the minutes of the meeting held on 15 December 2020, 5 January 2021 and 26 January 2021 and moved their acceptance.

Matters Arising – 26 January 2020

A member commented on the Active Travel Proposals that concerned Corn Street and Holloway Road.  He said that residents had a great deal of antipathy for the scheme and that the consultation period had been too short in order for the County Council to be able to spend the money.  He felt that the scheme had not been thought through.


Another member added that he had spoken to the County Officer who had told him that most responses received were negative.


A member welcomed the idea of an active travel corridor in the town.  Most comments on the area he represented – East Witney – had been positive.  He asked the Chair of the Committee if she knew when the consultation would be concluded and when things would be announced.


The Chair replied that she had made investigations and that the consultation had been done within the statutory timeframe.  However, due to the time constraints of spending the funding there would not be a second round of consultations.  She was under the impression that the comments surrounding the Corn Street area had been robustly made and were being heard.


A member pointed out that the County had said that the work would be started in February and therefore he was unsure as to how much time would be spent checking the correspondence received in connection with the consultation.


The Office Manager drew members attention to minute P58 – Flooding.  Members had raised the issue of how the Town Council could get the District Council to take notice of any concerns on flooding and had asked if there was a policy in place.  He explained that following the meeting, he had established that there was a policy – EH 7 - Flood Risk - which he believed that the Climate, Planning and Biodiversity Committee would be utilising in its responses when considering flooding in the future.


A member commented that he thought that the Town Council would be asked to come up with an emergency plan in the next few months.  The Town Clerk advised that this had been agreed by the Stronger Communities Committee as part of the Communications Strategy so it would be coming forward in the next few months.


RESOLVED:         that the minutes of the meetings of the Climate, Biodiversity and Planning Committee of 15 December 2020, 5 January 2021 and 26 January 2021, be received and any recommendations therein approved.