Issue - decisions

1863 Cafe Bar Operation

11/01/2021 - 1863 Cafe Bar Operation

Members received and considered the report of the Office Manager as circulated with the agenda.


The Working Party was advised that the daytime weekly sales figures were not what had been hoped for in the run up to Christmas; the equipment and staffing costs were currently outweighing sales and this was unlikely to change in the immediate future. However, the jazz evening takings in December had been encouraging.


The Working Party agreed that consumer confidence and footfall in the town had been severely dented due to the pandemic which had impacted on the sales for such a new venture. Although the Corn Exchange and café would currently remain closed due to the pandemic, members discussed the merits of reducing day-time opening hours in the future and felt that it was important to have a clear plan moving forward for the Council, staff and customers.


Members agreed with the recommendations by officers and asked that as the weather improves, an element of flexibility is incorporated into plans in relation to opening days and outside seating.


As the café had not had time to fully establish itself it was agreed that amending drink charges was not something to consider at this point but would be undertaken by the Venue Manager as a matter of course in the future.


RECOMMENDED: - that the report be noted and: -


1.       That the 1863 Café Bar opens three days a week in the daytime (Thursday through to Saturday) with indoor seating when the Government guidance allows, to maximise the possibility of the Council meeting its running costs, and;


2.       That this will be reviewed on a two-weekly basis, or based on up-to-date guidance and perceived footfall in the town, and;


3.       That this decision be delegated to the Venue Manager & Office Manager/Town Clerk so that they may be acted on quickly and effectively, and;


4.       That these decisions be reported to the next appropriate meeting of this Working Party, or Halls, Cemeteries & Allotments Committee, whichever should fall first.


5.       That a full weekly opening of the 1863 Café Bar is delayed until the effective end of the Covid-19 Pandemic, and;


6.       At that time there is an official opening event with appropriate entertainment and publicity.


7.       That outdoor seating (complimenting the indoor seating) is utilised safely when the guidance and weather allow on non-Market days.