Issue - decisions

Corporate/Strategic Plan - Initial Discussion

14/12/2020 - Corporate/Strategic Plan - Initial Discussion

The Committee received and considered the report of the Town Clerk concerning the creation of a Corporate Strategic Plan for Witney Town Council.


As a recommendation emanating from the Council’s ongoing organisational review, members agreed that the creation of a strategic plan, encompassing its vision and objectives was highly important. Councillors views on top aspirations had been compiled from a survey issued by the Town Clerk and the results included projects such as the Corn Exchange refurbishment, West Witney Sports Ground and improvement to sports facilities.


There was agreement that Committee Chairs and the senior management team of the Council should be involved in the next stage by way of a task and finish group. Each committee could discuss projects for the plan in the next committee cycle and officers could pull together all existing, planned and budgeted projects for the current year and for 2021/22 as part of this process.


The Town Clerk confirmed that Council objectives had already been agreed earlier in the year and these would be included along with committee terms of reference by the task and finish group.




1.       That the report be noted and that the Council forms a Task and Finish Group to be made up of Committee Chairs to work with the Senior Management Team in formulating a draft Corporate Strategic Plan; and,


2.       That each committee in the forthcoming cycle has this agenda item for consideration so that a draft plan may be presented to the next ordinary meeting of the Council.