Issue - decisions

Request to run a cinema in the Corn Exchange

06/01/2021 - Request to run a cinema in the Corn Exchange

The Working Party received and considered the report of the Venue Manager concerning an offer of “technical support” to run a cinema in the Corn Exchange by the person who had formerly done so before the refurbishment.  He had suggested a 50/50 split on profits although he Venue Manager had worked out that at the suggested ticket cost of £5.00 per person there would not be any profit, taking into account the restriction on numbers due to Covid-19.  With an increased ticket price and bar takings there might be a small profit.  Members were also asked to consider how long it might run for, if agreed.


Members discussed the Council’s previous experience of the Town Council facilitating a cinema and how long the project might run for.  The Office Manager reminded members that the request was to run until March when the town’s cinema was due to re-open.  


The Venue Manager reassured members that he would be stringent in implementing health and safety requirements.


RECOMMENDED:             that the report be noted and:-


1.            that Mr Richards be permitted to run a cinema once per fortnight from January until March on agreed terms but that the Council reserves the right to give a two-week notice to terminate at any time;


2.            that the pricing structure for tickets be delegated to the Venue Manager.