The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer which advised that the switch on would be a little different to previously advised. Due to the lockdown in force the actual switch on would now take place a day before the residents had been invited to switch on lights at home in order to avoid any possibility of people forming a crowd to watch the lights being turned on in the town centre.
The Communications and Events Officer confirmed that people would be encouraged to post photos of their houses and tag them with #witneymagic.
A member asked when the Council would go out to tender for the next Christmas Lights contract. The Operations and Estates Officer replied that it would be January.
RESOLVED: that the report be noted and:-
1. that the Christmas Lights be switched on on the evening of 26 November to avoid the possibility of crowds gathering unofficially;
2. that the Mayor be filmed “switching on” the lights on 26 November;
3. that the social media campaign to get residents to switch their own lights on at 6pm on 27 November goes ahead, with residents being encouraged to post pictures.