Issue - decisions

Inclusion Panel

23/07/2020 - Inclusion Panel

The Committee received and considered a verbal report from the Chair on forming an 'Inclusion Panel' made up of members of the community's various minorities, who could advise the Council on various matters to take greater account of the impact on all sections of the community.  The Leader also added some detail.  She proposed that the Council should reach out to people who were under represented by the Council, and get expressions of interest.  Her idea was that Committee Chairs could meet with the people and get their views on upcoming agendas so that they could be represented, therefore requiring no Officer input.


Members agreed that this would be a step forward.


RECOMMENDED:  that the verbal report be noted and that an Inclusion Panel is created, to be made up of Chairs of the Committees and minority members of the community.  This would be supported by appropriate communications from the Communications and Events Officer.