Issue - decisions

Memorial Bench & Tree Request - Rotary Club of Witney

23/07/2020 - COVID-19 Commemorations

The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer and correspondence from the Rotary Club.  The Chair said that members had informally discussed an idea of a memorial for Covid-19 Victims and the volunteers.


Members proceeded to debate a suitable location. The Officers pointed out that the Council would inherit the ongoing maintenance cost of such a memorial.  A member commented that she felt that the Committee was talking about two different things – a memorial to those who had lost their lives and a thank you to volunteers.  She felt that the two didn’t need to be together and that a memorial bench could happen quite quickly. 


There was also some discussion about convening a working party.  The Town Clerk advised that as it had been agreed not to have working parties, perhaps a group of councillors could work together and then bring back a proposal to a future meeting.




1.            that the report be noted;


2.            that the siting for a bench, tree and planting in conjunction with Rotary be delegated to the Operations and Estates Officer to progress;


3.            that the Town Council Offers £1,000 match funding to Rotary (bearing in mind the ongoing maintenance costs);


4.            that a group of councillors discuss ideas for a tribute to volunteers and bring them back to a future meeting.