Issue - decisions

Operational Report - Progress on Improvements and Repairs since the Last Meeting

22/06/2020 - Operational Report - Progress on Improvements and Repairs since the Last Meeting

The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer.

A member asked a question about football clubs returning and the Chair replied that it was a question of checking if they were insured to play – this was dealt with by the F.A.  The Operations and Estates Officer was trying to ascertain what the situation was.


The Chair asked if Woodgreen would be ready for the Spartans.  The Town Clerk advised that it had been delayed as District Council Officers had been redeployed dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.


A member asked about recycling water from the splash park to water the cricket pitch at The Leys. The Town Clerk replied that a limited amount of water was already retained in a tank but it only held a certain amount of water.  Water recycling units had been looked into but were very expensive.  This could be something for the Council to look into as a bigger project in the future.


The Committee briefly discussed the possibility that the water pressure had been turned down and whether a question could be asked about it.


The Chair asked why the Town Council had not reopened public toilets on The Leys when the District Council had reopened its toilets.  The Town Clerk explained that it was a logistical/social distancing issue, whilst the District Council’s public toilet was one unit with clear accessibility, the Town Council’s facilities were accessed via a narrow walkway with no visibility to enable social distancing, however Officers were actively looking for a solution.


RESOLVED:          that the report be noted.