Issue - decisions

Park Run - Request for Hogging Path

22/06/2020 - Request for Hogging Path from Witney parkrun

With the express permission of the Chair, this item was moved up the agenda so that the members of the public could hear the debate.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer.

A member said that if there was to be groundwork done he would like drainage to be looked into at the same time.


The Chair emphasised that there was little capacity for officer involvement.  The Parkrun representatives indicated that they would be happy to approach local firms to donate aggregate for the paths and also even to use volunteers to dig out the path if they could access Town Council Machinery under guidance.


During the presentation the Town Clerk had asked parkrun about funding streams, as there was no funding available in the current years budget for these works.  Parkrun said they could point the Council in the direction of funding or would be happy to be involved in making the application but as an organisation parkrun could not make grant applications itself.  The Town Clerk reiterated this point and the current capacity issues.


RESOLVED:          that the Town Council would facilitate the installation of a path subject to the Operations and Estates officer being satisfied at all stages and on provision that no Town Council funding or labour would be required.