Issue - decisions

Review of Committee Structure/Calendar of Meetings

15/07/2019 - Review of Committee Structure/Calendar of Meetings

The Committee received and considered the report of the Office Manager.  Whilst the number of Committees had been reduced from five to four, a lot of working parties had been agreed and Officers were trying to mitigate the circumstances for both officers and members.  The Office Manager had tried to schedule in working parties rather than leaving them to be arranged ad hoc.  He had also produced a draft calendar for the 2020-21 year reducing the cycles of meetings to four.


The Chair of Halls and Green Spaces Committee stated that she was very concerned about reducing the number of meetings of that Committee as the workload was heavy and things often needed quick decisions. 


Another member commented that the Council may have to try it and review it at a later date.


Members discussed the issues and were worried that less meetings would mean longer meetings and that there might not be enough time to give due consideration to the democratic process.  Suggestions made included use of agency staff and making reports shorter to just bullet points.


The Town Clerk suggested that now Committees had delegated powers, perhaps Full Council could meet less.


Members agreed that there was nothing that could be done this year as the calendar was already published, but accepted the suggested timings for working parties and sub committees. 


However, Officers were requested to carry out further work on the draft calendar for next year to include five or six meetings for committees but reducing Full Council to four.  This should be taken to Full Council on 29 July.




1. that the report is noted and;


2. that the Committee approves the amended calendar for the remainder of the municipal year 2019-20 – inserting sub-committees and working parties;


3. that Officers carry out further work to the proposed calendar for the municipal year 2020-21 to set the number of Committee meetings to five or six per annum and reduce Council to four;


4. that the Council agrees that unless where absolutely necessary, meetings should end after 2 hours per Standing Order 48(a);


5. that Sub-committee and Working Party meetings are scheduled during the day where possible;


6. that Sub-committee and Working Party meetings are held in the Town Hall Council  Chamber where possible, subject to a Committee room becoming available in the downstairs building of the Town Hall;


7. that no Committee, Sub-committee or Working Party meetings be held before scheduled ones unless it is absolutely necessary because of urgency and the need to meet;


8. that potential bookings for dates and times at the Corn Exchange which would clash with committees are discussed between the Bookings Office and Town Hall; again subject to a Committee room becoming available in the downstairs building of the Town Hall;


9. that Planning & Development committee meetings be held in the Foyer of the Corn Exchange in order that the Committee Clerk is able to determine who is in the building at the end of the meeting and can then lock up, subject to agreement with the Chair of the Committee