Issue - decisions

Grants and Subsidised Lettings

30/01/2020 - Grants and Subsidised Lettings

This item was moved up the agenda with the express permission of the Chair so that the member of the public present could hear the discussion.


Members discussed the grant application and expressed concern about funding printed materials that they would not see.  It was agreed that the Town Council could not, under the terms of its policy fund subsistence expenses.  Concern was also expressed about funding a group which operated a civil disobedience policy.


The Committee felt it would be most appropriate to give financial support via subsidised lettings of the Council’s venues and the Chair proposed that £500 worth of lettings during a 12-month period could be granted.  All members agreed.




i)             that Extinction Rebellion Witney be granted subsidised letting in either Burwell Hall or the Corn Exchange up to the value of £500 spread over a 12-month period;

ii)            that the letter of thanks from West Oxfordshire Citizens Advice and Volunteer Link Up be noted.