Issue - decisions

Street Furniture and Infrastructure

31/03/2020 - Street Furniture and Infrastructure

1.            Benches


Cllr Rosa Bolger gave a verbal report on the siting of a bench on Blakes Avenue adjacent to the WOCT bus stop.  A site had been agreed with the resident who had requested it and the Operations and Estates Officer was seeking permission from Cottsway Housing who owned the land. 


The resident had also explained that he and his fellow elderly residents would appreciate an additional bench at the top of Oxlease Park.  A site had been agreed with him and the Operations and Estates officer and there was a suitable bench in stock.


2.            Cycle Rack


Cllr Ruth Smith requested that the Committee give consideration to the installation of a cycle rack at Oxlease Park, which Oxfordshire County Councillor Dr S Bartington had agreed to fund from her County Councillor Priority Fund.  The Operations & Estates officer had provided some examples of suitable cycle racks.  All members were in favour.




1.that the resident’s request for a bench at the top of Oxlease Park be agreed.


2. that Cllr Bartington be taken up on her offer to fund a cycle rack from her Councillors Priority Fund - the Council’s preference is for four cycle rack hoops to be purchased and concreted in securely.