Issue - decisions

Review of the Terms of Reference

14/01/2020 - Review of the Committee Constitution, Terms of Reference and Frequency of Meetings

The Committee reviewed the Constitution, Terms of Reference and frequency of meetings.

It was agreed to add Volunteer Link Up as an organisation which could send a representative.  Cllr Ashbourne explained that she in fact filled that role as she was the Town Council’s elected representative for Volunteer Link up.  It was agreed to stay with 4 meetings per year, plus task and finish groups – these would not have officers’ involvement. 




1.            that the Committee continues to have 4 meetings per year with additional “Task and Finish” groups to tackle specific issues – these would not require officer attendance;

2.            that Volunteer Link Up be given a place on the Committee, with Cllr Ashbourne currently acting as their representative;

3.            that the Committee constitution and terms of reference be approved.