To action the resolution made at the meeting of the Council on 6 January 2025 which referred the submission content of the consultation to the Climate, Biodiversity & Planning Committee. (Minute Number 006 Refers)
Details of the consultation can be found at :
This item was debated following the resolution of the Council on 6 January 2025 to refer the submission to the Climate Biodiversity & Planning Committee (Minute 006 Refers) and for the meeting to be held in person to allow all Members of the Council to attend should they wish and actively participate.
It was established early in the debate that Members were supportive of the introduction of ANPR cameras in order that the existing Traffic Regulation Order was enforced. Responses to the most recent County Council High Street improvements consultation and comments from ward residents they had spoken with since the TRO’s introduction reinforced a need for such infrastructure.
Members raised concerns regarding the visual appearance of the enforcements and felt that clear signage was required should the ANPR camera proposal proceed. There were further comments concerning exemptions for blue badge holder and businesses. However, it was felt the changes to the visual appearance to both ends of the High Street following the infrastructure changes would be obvious to road users approaching the enforcement area and they were confident that OCC Officers would ensure compliance and that appropriate measures would be considered regarding exemptions
Another concern was the impact of the ANPR to be sited at the southern end of the High Street as this would be placed adjacent to one of the Town Council’s Christmas trees.
The Committee agreed the content to be included in the response .
Response to the Proposal of ANPR Cameras for Witney Market Square/High Street
The Council support the introduction of ANPR cameras in Market Square and the High Street to enforce prohibited use.
The Council believe that the implementation of ANPR cameras is most critical to significantly enhance the safety and security of pedestrians, cyclist and road users when accessing the High Street.
Councillors found that through their interactions with residents since the introduction of the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for the High Street that most road users are adhering to the TRO and are frustrated at those that are not. This was also backed up by a number of the responses received to the OCC consultation events held in Autumn 2024 to consult on the changes to the High Street and Market Square.
The Council trust in OCC’s ability to address and alleviate concerns regarding Blue Badge holders and for the allowance of deliveries & collections to and from local business’ located in the High Street and are confident that appropriate measures will be taken to ensure that these groups are not adversely affected by the new system.
Members are looking forward to the planned enhancements to the High Street, they hope with the reduction in traffic, changes in carriageway design and the introduction of new planting and benches that the High Street will become a pleasant and enhanced environment for all residents and visitors to the town.
That, the above response be submitted to Oxfordshire County Council.
Supporting documents: