To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk/CEO.
The Committee received the report of the Town Clerk/CEO outlining the proposal to re site the Buttercross Needle and for the Town Council to take on its ownership.
Members considered the proposal however, it was clear there were mixed opinions about taking on the responsibility of the art installation.
Members held concerns of the artwork being moved to Unterhaching Park, feeling this would not be appropriate and would disrupt the look of the park, particularly given the decision made earlier in the evening to rejuvenate the park area.
It was understood that the proposal had also been forwarded to other potential custodians, one being the Witney & Abingdon College which members thought may have a more suitable location. However, it was clear Members did not wish to see the installation disappear if these other potential custodians declined the offer.
It was therefore proposed that should the installation not be taken up by another custodian then the Town Council would take on ownership however, it would not be sited at Unterhaching Park.
A Vote was then called for. The proposal was carried, with voting as follows:
In Favour 4
Against 3
Abstentions 0
1. That, the report be noted and,
2. That, Witney Town Council take on the ownership and consider a suitable location for the Buttercross Needle should an alternative custodian not be found.
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