To receive and consider the report of the Venue & Events Officer.
The Committee received the report of the Venue & Events Officer which provided an update on upcoming third-party events.
Members discussed the provision of additional disability parking for third party event organisers. This parking would be situated on the grass surface therefore it was agreed that Officers consider any use on a case-by-case basis in order to be assured that the organiser has both a Risk Assessment and Traffic Movement Plan in place and that ground conditions allow any additional vehicle movements.
The Committee also considered the request received from Witney Music Festival (WMF) to extend their use of The Leys by two additional days. It was the opinion of some members that the Council already provided significant financial support to WMF by way of the current £10,000 grant and subsidised use of The Leys form Wednesday to the following Monday.
Members however felt that as music events struggle to survive support should be given to the request. The Deputy Town Clerk confirmed that there was scope within the existing partnership agreement with WMF to support the request.
A Vote was called, the result being the agreement of two additional days subsidised hire of the Leys.
For 6
Against 1
Abstention 0
1. That, the report be noted and,
2. That, additional disability parking at The Leys be considered subject to Officer agreement and following receipt of a Risk Assessment and Traffic Movement Plan from third party event organisers and,
3. That, WMF be granted two additional days subsidised use of The Leys meaning they would be in residence from Tuesday to Tuesday at a subsidised cost of £854.
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