Agenda item

Youth Council

To note the draft minutes of the meeting held on 16 January 2025 for information.


The Committee received the minutes of the meeting of the Youth Council on 16 January 2025.


Members discussed how they could provide support to the Youth Council, it was felt that the use of shorter agendas would allow for greater focus on subjects. It was also noted that there were a number of third parties in attendance and whilst it was pleasing to see this support it was felt this should be reduced so as not to be overbearing.


The Deputy Town Clerk advised that workshops had been arranged for the Officers of the Youth Council, and these would be commencing soon. Members also suggested that coaching could be given in the meetings by way of observation of the Councillors that act as mentors.

A Member also suggested that the Youth Council be consulted on decisions of magnitude that were being made for the Town, such as large planning applications, the West Witney Sports & Social Club improvements and proposals for Windrush Pavillion in order to seek their opinions.




1.      That, the minutes of the Youth Council meeting on 16 January 2025 be noted and,

2.      That, Officers consider how to implement the comments of the Committee.


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