Agenda item

Community Engagement Report

To receive and consider the report of the Communication & Community Engagement Officer.



The Committee received and considered the report of the Communications & Community Engagement Officer.


Members were in agreement with the potential scaling back of the In Bloom entry in order to concentrate on the rejuvenation of the Lake & Country Park and Unterhaching park area. They were also supportive of extending the invitation to the community picnic events to nominees of the Citizen of the Year awards.


The Committee was pleased to hear of the preparations for the VE Anniversary on 8 May 2025, Witney Carnival, which they were keen to be participate in again and finally the use of the Corn Exchange for the showing of the student film.


Members acknowledged the thanks received from Witney Town Band following the offer to them to hold outdoor concerts over the summer. Members looked forward to hearing further when dates were announced.

Members heard of the plans to introduce an orchard in Snipe Meadow and planting in Unterhaching park, which they believed with the use of volunteers would bring some life back after years of the park looking uncared for. The Committee was unanimous in agreement that the remaining In Bloom budget be directed for use for this community project.


In light of the Youth Council being unable to arrive at a question to be added to the annual residents survey it was suggested that a question such as “What do you want to ask the Youth Council?” may be appropriate. It was delegated to Officers to decide on the best course of action.


Additionally, it was raised that 9 March would be a Covid-19 day of reflection with it being the 5 year anniversary of the pandemic, it was agreed that this be marked perhaps at the Covid Memorial on the Leys.


It was agreed that the Community Engagement Strategy be reviewed later in the meeting due to its draft format following the exclusion of Press & Public.


Finally, the Deputy Town Clerk advised he had been notified by the District Council that a draft Witney Community Insight report for Central ward had been completed; this would be shared with the Committee once it had been finalised.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, the decision of a question to be added to the annual survey regarding young people be delegated to Officers and,

3.      That, invitations be extended to Citizen of Year nominees to a Community Picnic and,

4.      That, the balance of the In Bloom budget be used toward the planting at Unterhaching Park and,

5.      That, the Council take part in the Witney Carnival parade and host a stall and,

6.      That, the Covid day of reflection on 9 March be marked by the Council.


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