Agenda item

Major Projects Update

To receive and consider the report of the Project Officer.



The Committee received and considered the updates from the Project Officer on the various ongoing works.


Members were disappointed to hear of the lack of engagement from Oxfordshire County Council in respect of the enforcement of the proposed Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) at The Leys, it was agreed that Cllr R Crouch would press along with OCC Councillors to further the discussions as it was imperative this was in place before the Town Council made the TRO application.


The Committee were pleased to hear the tender had been issued for the Ralegh Crescent sports and social park and looked forward to hearing further from Officers when the evaluation had taken place.


Members heard additional details on the plans for the Splash Pad from the Head of Estates & Operations. Officer’s concerns regarding the drainage of wastewater were being addressed and Officers were confident that delivery of the project could be made in time for the summer period.


The Committee was unanimous in agreement to retain the Portaloo at West Witney Sports & Social Ground and understood that the maintenance of the facility would need to be passed to the individual sports clubs that wished to make use of it.




That, the report be noted.


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