Agenda item

The Leys Event Field Use

To receive and consider the report of the Operations Manager.


With the permission of the Chair, this item was moved up the agenda so that members of public could hear the discussion and outcome.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations Manager as well as responses from him which clarified items in the report and questions  raised by Members of the public during their participation.


The most recent STRI (formerly the Sports Turf Research Institute) showed the east side of the Leys, which had been reported as unsafe to play organised sport on several years ago due to compaction had recovered and was now safe to use. This area of the Leys had been used for more events during the summer since football had ceased and these would still need to occur if football returned. It was unknown at this point how long the ground would accommodate both co-existing recreational activities but due to the lack of 11x11 football pitches across Witney, it was now an option to try. Football pitch hire would have to fit in with annual events and the Council would review the August 2025 ground reports to assess the current position.


Members were advised the STRI reports which assessed the adequacy of the sports pitches were carried out during August in order for the ground to provide a result following any remedial work. Had inspections been carried out as suggested immediately after the end of the playing season it would most likely show a greater compaction level.


The Committee also heard that since the grounds maintenance contract had been brought back in house by the Town Council in October 2023, the team had been able to bring the quality of the pitches up to a much higher standard as was evident by the report’s findings.

It was proposed by Cllr Aitman, seconded by Cllr Treloar to recommence the use of the 11 v 11 pitch at The Leys conditional on the need to make use of the area for event purposes. A vote was taken with all Members unanimous in favour.




1.      That, the report and verbal update be noted and,

2.      That, use of the 11 v 11 football pitch at The Leys recommences.


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