Agenda item

King George's Footpath Update

To receive and consider the report of the Head of Estates and Operations.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Head of Estates & Operations which provided an update on the proposed footpath to cross King George V Field.


Members heard that Officers had engaged with Oxfordshire Country Council, and this would be explored in greater depth. Members asked that consideration be given to the choice of lighting to ensure that there was limited impact on wildlife however understood that sufficient lighting was necessary to ensure that users felt safe in using the path outside of daylight hours.


In response to questions, the Committee were assured the footpath would not impact negatively on the proposed community orchard and existing sports and play facilities at the recreational field.


All Members were unanimous in agreement with the project proceeding however, it would have to be driven by OCC, overseen by their Officers, this was due to Town Council Officers being engaged in larger project deliveries for the town during 2025/26. It was hoped this would be the case as OCC should be keen to fulfil a target set by them in the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.




1.      That, the report and update be noted and,

2.      That, OCC be advised that they are to take the lead on the project.


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