To discuss and understand the impact of the flooding that occurred between 24-26 November 2024.
With the permission of the Chair, this item was moved up the agenda so the member of public could hear the discussion and outcome.
During public participation Members had heard from the spokesperson for Witney Flood Group (WFG) of the effects of the recent flooding event which had affected 24 properties in Eastfield Road, Hailey Road, West End Industrial Estate and the Bridge Street areas. The number of affected properties was known to be higher than the 24 figure however, residents were reluctant to report less destructive events, in particular those to garages and outbuildings due to the potential and perceived impact on their insurance cover and premiums.
In response to a Member’s question, the WFG spokesman spoke on the “flood gates” that were often referred to being opened further upstream which resulted in the flooding in Witney, he advised this was a myth and that although historically sluice gates were used by mills for power this was no longer the case and certainly not a contributory factor to flooding events in Witney.
One issue identified was with the West Oxfordshire District Council (WODC) team that provide and laid sandbags, though the support was warmly welcomed, lack of knowledge of the laying of the sandbags meant the barriers were compromised. Additionally, the sandbags remained once the flooding events were over and assistance to remove them was required.
Secondly, the Town Council did not have a single point of telephone contact and it was asked that Officers review this to simplify the emergency support such as the access to its Halls as places of refuge.
As greater than 5 properties were affected a Section 19 report would be drawn up by Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) as the lead local flood authority. This would investigate the reasons for the flooding however, it was proposed by Cllr D Edward Huges and seconded by Cllr J Treloar that the Town Clerk write to WODC, OCC and the (EA) to emphasise the need for flooding to be specifically detailed in the Local Plan 2041 so that it was evidenced when consideration was given to new building developments. The letter should also ask that training is provided to those members of the Council’s work team who were engaged in the deployment of sandbags. Members were unanimous in agreement of the proposal.
Additionally, a proposal was made again by Cllr D Edwards Hughes and seconded by Cllr J Treloar for a member of the Town Council to be appointed as a representative on the Witney Flood Group. All members were in agreement.
1. That, the Town Clerk write to WODC, OCC and EA and,
2. That, Officers share the Council’s Emergency Protocol with all members and,
3. That, the Councils Works Team collect sandbags post flooding events,
4. That, a Council representative on the Witney Flood Group be agreed at the next meeting of the Council on 17 February 2025 and,
5. That, a link to Witney Flood Group is added to the Council’s website partners page and,
6. That, Officers investigate a single point of contact for use by Flood Wardens and residents.