To receive and consider the report of the Responsible Financial Officer (RFO) with an update on the current year’s work programme relating to Capital and Special Revenue Projects; as well as projects identified during the course of the year for inclusion as Revenue Growth Items or Special Revenue Projects in the Council’s Revenue Budget or Capital Projects for 2025/26 and beyond.
The Committee received and considered the report of the Responsible Financial Officer (R.F.O)
Members were advised this part of the budget included all the ideas and recommendations from the Council’s spending Committees and all had different statuses. This was where the real budgetary pressures would arise for 2025-26.
In terms of Committees, there was little room for manoeuvre on the items from Parks & Recreation and this Committee, but with Halls, Cemeteries & Allotments some items could potentially be deferred and with Stronger Communities, there was a much wider scope due to its remit.
Members scrutinised financial implications referring to the special revenue projects recommended by each Committee in turn.
Parks & Recreation Committee
· A Climbing Facility. This was being explored at the Deer Park MUGA/MUSA so no additional budget was required in the new year.
· Windrush Place Pavilion. Officers advised the figure of £60,000 was an indicative but prudent figure of running in the first year. There were still large unknowns and this was based on running a facility of the same size such as Burwell Hall.
· West Witney Sports Ground 3g Pitch. There was no funding in the new year budgeted for. The final cost was still unknown and this was likely to be completed in the following year.
· Online Facilities Bookings System. Members were advised the figure budgeted for was £5,000 but this was more likely to be £7.5-9,000. Members agreed the system was required.
Halls, Cemeteries & Allotments Committee
· Several items had no 2025/26 budgets allocated as underspends in the current year had been identified to allow them to take place.
· Replacement Lighting. Officers advised this was a pressing financial need as the current lights were deteriorating and new parts were becoming difficult to procure. It was advised new lights would be more eco-friendly so an earmarked reserve could be used.
· Kitchen Equipment at the Corn Exchange. Members were not aware of any compliance issues which made the improvements a necessity, so it was agreed this should be considered in a future year, or from maintenance budgets during 2025-26 if they allowed.
Stronger Communities Committee
· Witney Music Festival. Members agreed the budget of £10,000 should be retained.
· West Oxfordshire Community Transport. Members agreed the Council was in a three-year agreement with the provider for the sum of £23,500 p/a so this would be retained.
· CCTV Contribution. Members agreed the Council should continue to pay annually at the agreed increased rates presented by West Oxfordshire District Council earlier in the year. The Council could not however commit to a further £10,000 capital contribution to the upgraded scheme. There had not been a proper consultation and it should have been funded for by the providers.
· Youth Services. The Committee agreed a Youth Services Grant Fund should be re-established, but for the lesser amount of £20,000 in 2025-26, not the £40,000 which was recommended by Stronger Communities. This was in addition to amounts set aside for The Station Detached Youth Project and Home Start Oxford. The Council were supportive of APCAM holding regular mental health drop-in sessions but asked that they apply to the newly reformed youth services grant; it was noted if this was held in the Corn Exchange, it would impact income so they should be encouraged to find a different venue. It was suggested The Station could be asked to see if they could provide a Youth Café from an underspend in their grant for the current year.
· VE & VJ Day 80th Anniversaries. Officers advised there were earmarked reserves where the provisionally set budget of £1,500 could be funded from, and having held the first meeting regarding these events, it was suggested only £1,000 was required.
· New Resident Leaflet. Although a budget of £1,000 had been recommended, due to the potential digital nature of the publication, it was agreed not to include an amount for this in 2025/26.
· Community Engagement Equipment & Storage. Members agreed this equipment was vital to excellent communication so agreed this, along with requested budgets for community window equipment and Youth Council training should remain.
Members noted the final piece of work outlining the larger capital and special revenue projects from 2023-26.
1. That, the report be noted and,
2. That, above recommendations be agreed for input into the Council’s budget for 2025-26.
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