Agenda item

Third Party Events Policy

To receive and approve the updated Witney Town Third Party Events Policy.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Venue & Events Officer concerning disabled parking provision at third-party events held at The Leys, the item being referred via Full Council on 29 July 2024.


Members were pleased this item was being considered and recalled issues arising from the Witney Carnival. Further discussions for disabled parking provision should continue to ensure the Council was adhering to inclusivity obligations.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, a discussion is held between the Town Council, the Rotary Club of Witney & Courtside Hubs about the potential use of disabled parking in bays at events held on The Leys and,

3.      That, Officers work with the Rotary Club of Witney to see if there is any possibility of parking on The Leys and,

4.      That, an updated policy concerning this is presented to the Committee at a future meeting.


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