Agenda item

Church Green & Corn Street proposed parking restrictions

To receive notification of the Consultation by Oxfordshire County Council in respect of proposed parking restrictions for Church Green & Corn Street.


With the express permission of the Chair, this item was moved up the agenda so the members of public could hear the discussion and outcome.


The Committee received and considered the notification from Oxfordshire Country Council regarding the proposed introduction of a residents parking scheme for Corn Street and Church Green.


Members discussed the proposal and supported the request of the member of public that had spoken as it was clear to them the implications the scheme would have on him and his neighbours. The Committee was also conscious of the additional impact of the Town Councils proposals to introduce parking restriction on The Leys which was in very close proximity to the proposed Church Green scheme could have.


The details of the scheme were discussed at length after which a proposal was made to support the Corn Street Scheme but to oppose the Church Green Scheme however, should the Church Green element proceed that the following be considered.


Witney Town Council welcomes discussion on these matters and are aware that discussions have taken place over many years with local stakeholders and residents.


With local knowledge, the Council supports the proposed restrictions in Corn Street but opposes those in Church Green. Should these proceed, the Council would expect the following to take place:


·        Discussion with all affected residents, including those in Station Lane and Farm Mill Lane on current parking provision and the need for visitor permits for these and others.

·        The inclusion of the even numbered properties 2-12 & 20 Station Lane as a must. There is a concern that residents from properties surrounding the proposed area have not been consulted highlighting a lack of local knowledge.

·        Review the “Vision for Church Green” document which was submitted to Witney Traffic Advisory Committee in 2021 (attached),

·        Consider the impact of potential parking restrictions at The Leys, being proposed by Witney Town Council for introduction in 2025.

·        Consideration of disabled bays by the Almshouses

·        There is parking along the Henry Box School side of Church Green which currently has no restrictions and is not included in the scheme – further consideration of this should take place.

·        The Council would also like to comment that a section at the Church western end of Church Green is showing as having restrictions in the consultation document, but this is not the case.


Vote was then called for. The proposal was carried, with voting as follows:

In Favour             6

Against  0

Abstentions         1




1.      That, the correspondence be noted and,

2.      That, the response outlining the Committees decision and concerns above be forwarded to OCC for consideration.



Supporting documents: