Agenda item

Bleed Kit Request

To receive and consider the report of the Operations Manager.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations Manager which outlined the proposal to introduce a Bleed Kit cabinet.


Members had mixed thoughts on the need for this; although the kit could be used for other serious injuries its primary function was to provide support in response to a stabbing incident. Members discussed that there was no evidence of knife related attacks in Witney and believed that the introduction of a bleed kit may increase anxiety within the community that there was a problem. The Chair also advised the Youth Council who had met earlier were in favour of the Council installing these.


The Committee also discussed the implications and social responsibility for the installation of the kits as it was recognised that knives were carried around the town and that steps should be taken to prevent the potential risk, therefore all members were in agreement to purchase and locate a bleed kit by the Town Hall.


Members asked that Officers explore further with Thames Valley Police, WODC and Oxfordshire County Council social and outreach workers as to the potential unseen risk of knife crime in and around the town. Also, Officers were asked to consider the funding opportunities such as future development Section 106 monies or OCC priority funding which could be utilised the roll out of bleed kits across the town in the same way defibrillators are considered.




1.      That, a bleed kit be installed in the phone box along with the existing defibrillator on the corner of the Town Hall and,

2.      That, it be delegated to Officers to research further the need for additional kits and explore funding options.



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