To elect a Chair of the Committee for the remainder of the 2024/25 Municipal Year.
Due to the resignation of the former member for Central Ward who had previously sat as Chair, Members discussed whether a replacement Chair should be appointed for the remainder of the municipal year.
It was proposed by Councillor O Collins and seconded by Councillor J Aitman that no election for Chair should occur and that the Vice Chair should continue to Chair the remaining meetings of the municipal Year.
A Vote was then called for. The proposal was carried, with voting as follows:
In Favour 6
Against 0
Abstentions 1
In response to a Members question, Officers confirmed that in the absence of the Vice Chair the Council Standing Orders would be followed with either the Mayor officiating if present, or the Committee appointing a Chair for those meetings.
That, the position of Chair remains vacant for the remainder of the municipal year, with the Vice-Chair, Cllr R Smith acting as Chair until that time.