Agenda item


a)            To adopt and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 23 September 2024.

b)            Matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda. (Questions on the progress of any item).


The minutes of the meeting of the Stronger Communities committee held on 23 September 2024 were received.


SC528 – Officers advised that Witney Music Festival had only forwarded the requested financial statements within the past few days, therefore these would be presented to the Policy, Governance & Finance Committee on 25 November 2024.


SC528 – The Chair encouraged Members to assist with the running of the Advent Fayre on 1 December as only a few Councillors had committed their support to the event.




That, the minutes of the Stronger Communities Committee held on 23 September 2024 be approved as a correct record of the meeting and be signed by the Chair.



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