To receive a verbal update from the Chair and Town Council Officers, as appropriate and consider a request for a subsidised let of the Corn Exchange from WAA for its Annual General Meeting.
With the permission of the Chair, this item was moved up the agenda so the members of public could hear the discussion and outcome.
The Committee considered the points raised by the members of the Witney Allotment Association (WAA) who were present along with a verbal update from Officers and the Chair, who was also the Town Council Representative for the WAA.
It was proposed by Councillor D Enright, and seconded by Councillor R Smith that a subsidised let of the Corn Exchange be agreed to allow for an AGM or EGM to be held by WAA. Members were unanimous in agreement.
1. That, the verbal updates be noted and,
2. That, a subsidised use of the Corn Exchange to the value of £157 be allowed for a meeting of the WAA subject to receipt of the necessary paperwork.