Agenda item

Public Halls Report

To receive and consider the report of the Venue & Events Officer.


The Committee received the report and verbal update of the Venue & Events Officer providing an update and further details of proposed capital expenditure.


The Committee received specifics of the proposals having earlier in the meeting been presented with the costs when they reviewed the capital cost items for 2025/26.


Members welcomed the details provided however, asked that additional information be provided by Officers along with detailed costings in respect of the changes to the website and replacement kitchen.


Members also asked that Officers contact West Oxfordshire District Council to confirm if any form of permission was required for the hanging of the flags at the side of the Corn Exchange.


The Committee was pleased to hear of the request from Witney & Abingdon College to host a charity stall outside the Corn Exchange to support adults with learning difficulties and wholly supported the idea.




1.      That, the report and verbal updates be noted and,

2.      That, Officers explore further the cost of the change to website provider and,

3.      That, Flags and flagpoles for the alleyway be procured at a cost of £504 subject to due diligence being carried out in respect to the need for planning permission and,

4.      That, a replacement internal wooden framed noticeboard be purchased up to a cost of £200 and,

5.      That, two new noticeboards for the front of the Corn Exchange be agreed up to a cost of £1,000 and,

6.      That, Officers explore further the options for a replacement kitchen and for the costs to be added to the Business Plan along with details of potential offerings and profits and,

7.      That, these recommendations, some for 2025-26 be subject to approval of the Policy Governance and Finance Committee and,

8.      That, the Public Halls cancellation policy be readopted and reviewed in 12 months and,.

9.      That, the request received from Witney & Abingdon College to host a charity stall outside the Corn Exchange be agreed.


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