Agenda item

Schedule of Proposed Fees and Charges 2025/26

During the Budget Setting Cycle the Council reviews its Fees and Charges for various facilities and services it operates.


Included is the schedule of charges in respect of the assets and services which fall under the responsibility of this Committee, and the Committee is requested to review and approve or amend, as necessary


The Committee received and considered the details of the proposed increase to Halls & Cemeteries costs from April 2025.


Members heard of the general 2% increase to most of the charges along with the greater proposed increase to limited Cemetery fees, the Committee felt it was necessary to ensure that the costs incurred by the Council were reflected in the fees charged to those using the services however, it was also potentially necessary to provide some form of subsidy as the Council did with other fees it charged, such as sports pitches.


Members asked that Officers benchmark interment costs against like for like Councils as well as providing a detailed breakdown of the Council’s costs for providing the various types of interment that it offers.




That, the matter be deferred to a meeting of Policy, Governance & Finance to allow Officers to provide further information.



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