To receive correspondence from Oxfordshire County Council in respect of a proposal to establish a footpath at King George V Field, Newland.
The Committee received correspondence from Oxfordshire County Council’s Place, Planning and Co-ordination Team detailing their request to establish a pathway across town council owned land at the King George V field, funded by the use of Section 106 Contributions from the development at Wood Green School.
Members were pleased to hear of the proposal for a shared path to facilitate access across King George V Field, principally for the benefit of Wood Green School’s pupils accessing the side gate of the school via Pens Close. Members asked that OCC progress the idea and provide options for delivery to the Town Council for further consideration.
A Member also provided an update on two another schemes that OCC were progressing; the establishment of a shared pathway from Oxford Hill to Woodbank and a pathway between the Windrush Estate and Deer Park Road. The Member advised that those schemes had reached the tender stage with an expectation for delivery of both in May 2025.
1. That, the correspondence and the update on the other paths for the benefit of residents be noted.
2. That, Officer progress with discussions with OCC for a shared pathway at King George V Field.
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