Agenda item

Play Areas Review

To receive and consider the joint report of the Project Officer & Head of Estate & Operations.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Projects Officer which provided an update on the Council’s play areas.


Members were pleased to hear of the review being carried out and that there were plans for the installation of inclusive play equipment as items were replaced across the Town. Members asked to see the review once completed.


Following on from the discussion on Unterhaching Park, the Committee were advised there was a question over who was responsible for the lighting at Waterford Lane, which would be explored further by officers before the transfer.


A Member asked that now the transfer was complete that a picnic bench be considered for inclusion at Ralegh Crescent play park.




1.      That, the report be noted and,

2.      That, the Play Area Review be presented to a future meeting of this Committee and,

3.      That, Officers consider the inclusion of a picnic bench at Ralegh Crescent play park.


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