Agenda item

WODC Infrastructure Delivery Plan - Green Infrastructure

Based on the above agenda items and updates, to consider correspondence from WODC regarding the Infrastructure Delivery Plan which will inform the new Local Plan and offer any suggestions of items to be included.



The Committee received and considered the correspondence received from Capita Local Public Services in respect of the West Oxfordshire District Council’s Infrastructure Delivery Plan for green infrastructure across Witney.


In response to a Member’s question, the B&GSO confirmed that it was imperative to be included in the overall WODC plan so it was agreed he would work with the Head of Operations and Estates to provide a submission of the Council’s Management Plan to be considered.




1.      That, the correspondence be noted and,

2.      That, delegation be provided to the B&GSO and HO&E to complete the submission of the management plan and additional comments for consideration in the new WODC Infrastructure Plan.



Supporting documents: